Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cobalt: Day 16

I'm very tired, and so not saying much. We did foliage today. Here's a step by step.

Not the most brilliant thing I've ever done...

Here is my favorite example of foliage we saw today.

Close up of the very effective and simply leaf work.

And we started our, "You want me to paint what on that?" projects. Some people got really illustrative looking pieces to paint on things like shower curtains. I got a black and white photo realistic rose to paint on paper... Really? We find out why we got assigned what we got assigned tomorrow. I'm interested to hear, as it was the last thing I wanted... I'm not hating it though, it's quite pretty and if it turns out well, I will hang it on a wall.

That would be my drawing and soon to be puzzle stencil for spraying tomorrow (above) and my base coated piece of paper (below).

Everyone cross your fingers and hope it comes out well!

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